Will Your Business Benefit from Trolley Shelters?

March 17, 2022

Trolley shelters are a terrific investment for businesses since they save time and labour while also providing convenience for customers. They are a low-cost alternative that will protect your trolleys while encouraging consumers to keep the area tidy and safe. If you are tired of trolleys cluttering up your car park or need the means to reduce your team’s maintenance responsibilities. In that case, they provide a perfect solution that may be tailored to your individual needs.

We look at a few additional ways a trolley shelter might help you save time and effort.

Trolley Protection

Trolleys are an essential element of the shopping experience, and they can be found in stores all over the world. Trolleys, however, are not inexpensive, and they are quickly damaged and broken if not appropriately protected from the weather. Due to trolley shelters protecting the trolleys from the elements, particularly wind and rain, they can live much longer. If you have a trolley shelter, you won’t have to worry about replacing trolleys as frequently, and you won’t have to waste time and money purchasing new trolleys. A trolley shelter also protects the trolleys from damage caused by consumers, cars, or windy weather.

Trolley Shelters Save Time for Your Employees

Trolley shelters make it easy for consumers to find where they need to return their trolleys while also clearly displaying what behaviour is required of them. It makes returning empty trollies quick and straightforward, which has been shown to boost the number of individuals who return their trollies after using them. This reduces the number of abandoned trollies in the parking lot that your team must retrieve. Because they are composed of sturdy, durable materials that can endure impact, our high-quality trolley shelters do not require routine maintenance.

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Promoting the Use of Trolley Shelters

It is worthwhile to consider placing signs to ensure that your consumers use the trolley shelter appropriately. You might also use floor paint to mark the space as a trolley park or if you have pram storage. Our trolley shelters are available in a variety of materials and colours, so you may select your brand colour to clearly indicate that the trolley shelter is just for your clients.

Trolley Shelters Keep Your Parking Lot Clean

Trolley shelters are an excellent method to keep your parking lot neat and tidy. It can save your employees time searching for trolleys and transferring them around. Stray trollies can also pose a significant safety risk. As a result, it is critical that they do not wind up blocking traffic or harming automobiles. A well-signposted, well-organised, and clean parking lot will also save your maintenance staff time.

Are you looking for quality shelter storage? You can choose between the Premium Trolley Shelter and the Pitched Trolley Shelter at the Shelter Store. Both types serve the purpose of keeping the retail space clean and organised. Contact us today to discuss your needs.

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Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.