Smoking Shelters: Why Your Business Needs One

December 21, 2021

While it is not law for businesses to offer smoking shelters for their employees, several have taken the initiative. These constructions, however, must also comply with Smoke-Free standards and follow the general rules (for issues such as noise, licensing and so on). Local governments must get planning clearance for smoking shelters. Some smoking shelter solutions may not require planning permission. Lightweight gazebos or jumbrellas are examples of this (or giant parasols). These structures must be adequately safe (built of fire-resistant materials) and structurally robust.

What is a smoking shelter, and how does it work?

smoking shelter or structure is somewhere people can smoke that is covered by a roof or covering. It doesn’t have to be a room; it might just be an area with a cover. Smoking shelters might have backs and sides, like our Ruby Smoking Shelter, for a more enclosed feel. It cannot, however, be completely enclosed. You will find more details regarding this further down in this article.


Is it a good idea for me to create a designated smoking area?

As stated above, it is not mandatory to provide a dedicated smoking place for your employees.

On the other hand, installing a smoking shelter might be a highly advantageous move for your business. You have no clue where your employees or clients could be smoking. This might cause issues, such as worries about second-hand smoking.

Smoking shelters will have a natural attraction for regular smokers. Therefore, no unpleasant smoke will be present in the public spaces surrounding your organisation. By providing a smoking shelter, all of the smoke will gather in one place. Smokers will like having their own smoking area as well. They will be able to smoke while being protected from the elements. It’s a win, win. As a business owner, you will have the option of deciding where to put a smoking shelter. Smells and noise, for example, can be diverted away from congested entranceways.

Is a smoking shelter required to get planning permission?

Yes. You will need planning permission for any permanent external projects. Whether the shelter links to a structure or stands alone, this is the case. We recommend you first check to see if a shelter you are interested in needs Building Regulation permission.

What is the maximum number of sides that a smoking shelter can have?

To be in compliance with current legislation, smoking shelters must be exposed to the outside and not wholly enclosed or heavily shuttered. This means that the shelter cannot have any opening or closing fittings that surround more than half of the shelter.

How far away from other structures does it have to be?

The distance between a smoking shelter and any other structure is not required by law. It should, however, always be at least 2 meters away from any neighbouring structures. There may be ventilation issues if it is too close to a building, and there may be complaints if it is too close to any entranceways or windows.

Are you interested in installing smoking shelters on your premises? Have a look at what smoking shelters we offer. Or get in touch with one of our team today to learn more about our products or installation service.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.